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This scenario has happened to one parent, but I’m about to see it happen to many more in our unit.
Our Pack adds parents to the Scouts as soon as possible to facilitate use of the various communications tools within Scoutbook. The parent has now taken YPT and a BSA MemberID has been generated for them. When I go into their Scoutbook profile to add their ID, Scoutbook lets me know that the ID is already in use. How do we get this ID added to the parent’s profile? We are actively encouraging the parents to take YPT so that they have a better understanding of BSA’s practices. This is about to be a recurring issue with not being able to enter their IDs.
You need to send an e-mail to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with the individual’s name, BSA member ID, unit, council, scoutbook e-mail address and my.scouting.org ID. Ask them to merge the accounts.
@edavignon Curiosity question. I was able to find the newly created Scoutbook account that was created by completing YPT. The account has a “Changemyemail” address and still has the option to delete the account. Could I delete the account and then assign the MemberID to the correct account?
When you add a parent that later wants to take YPT, make sure they have logged in to Scoutbook one time, which forces a password change. After that they should use their Scoutbook ID and Password to log in to my.scouting.org, not create a new my.scouting.org ID.
I just tried that with my wife’s account. Since she doesn’t have a my.scouting.org ID, her Scoutbook ID is still her email address. I went to “Setup / Switch Single Sign-On” and it looks like the ID needs to come out of my.Scouting. This will just bring us back to the point where there will be two accounts that need to be merged.
You do not go to Setup/Switch SSO. What I was told by BSA IT is that after changing the SB Password one time, the user can use their Scoutbook ID and Password to log in to my.scouting.org and take YPT.
@edavignon Please ask BSA IT how does a parent that doesn’t have a SB ID complete this. As I said, if a parent has logged in and changed their password, and doesn’t have a my.scouting account, their Scoutbook login is just their email address. my.scouting will not accept this.
My my.Scouting Tools website userid is not an email address. However for at least one third-party tool, JIRA, the userid for non-BSA employees is their unique email address.
I found an account creation page layout (date unknown, might be for the old myscouting site) with the following:
@Bill_W I concur that the my.scouting website doesn’t use email as a userid. I tried it because it had been recommended earlier in the thread.
The scenario is this: A parent has a Scoutbook account and decides to take YPT. What is the best process to do this. The process as I know it (and hopefully there is a simplier one) is:
Parent has Scoutbook account
Parent creates my.scouting account to complete YPT which generates a new account and MemberID
my.scouting account appears in Scoutbook with MemberID
Unit Admin requests that the two accounts be merged, keeping the original Scoutbook account (which is connected to the Scout) and assigning the MemberID from my.scouting to the existing Scoutbook account.
Any thoughts on how to make this easier for the parent, the unit admin, and the Scoutbook IT staff? This seems so overly complicated.