Adding Eagle Palms earned in Scoutbook

My son is aging out soon and I was hoping that Scoutbook would have been updated to the new rules of earning Eagle Palms. He has earned the maximum, but we cannot even enter the first Palm earned into Scoutbook. Any ideas of when this will be fixed?

Any Palms earned when your son earned Eagle must have the Eagle Board of Review or Eagle completion date as the Palm completion date. This will bypass the 3 month check. After that, all Palms must have been earned 3 months after the last palm. The palms must be entered in date earned order.

Also, they can not be added until the Eagle rank has been approved by BSA Administrator.

In this case, Eagle was approved in 2016, but thanks for the reminder.

@MarthaGreystone For the Eagle Palms that are earned at the same time as the Eagle Scout rank, click on the Percent Completed for the Eagle Palm and enter the same Date Earned as the Eagle Scout board of review date.

Please let us know if you still have issues.

For an example Scout who had his Eagle Scout board of review on 11/19/2019:

Eagle Palm pic 1

And use the same date as the Eagle Scout board of review for Eagle Palms earned at the same time as the Eagle Scout rank:

Eagle Palm pic 2

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