I am the CM for my pack as well as a DL. I’m trying to add my Den meetings to the calendar via Scoutbook.
My Dashboard > Events > Create New Event (or sometimes I go My Calendar > add event). My Den is not listed in the subscribed calendars, nor in the drop down of calendars. How can I add my Den’s events?
I am listed as an admin, SB User ID 12301121, BSA Member ID 1615113.
No. They have the Pack, and then all of the Dens except for my own listed. In the past, I have used Scoutbook Den Leader Experience; but i did not plan to use that as my calendar in the future.
On the Pack page - does your Den have a Green Shield by it? If no an Admin needs to approve it under Edit Den
Do you know why I am unable to edit my profile photo? Does Scoutbook have a way to show that I am an Eagle the same way it reflects the OA?
Photos are changed under Edit Profile

Click Blue Camera

Click Change Profile Picture
Choose File and Click Apply

Then click Save
There is no Eagle Rank Icon
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I have be unable to successfully save my photo. I’ve tried several different pics as well and even lowering the size to <2MB