2 Scouts 2 Different Troops but same council and district. They were both once linked to me but now they are both gone and also the ‘My Family’ option doesn’t appear for me to even re-add them.
You can go to My Connection > look at to top there is Red Text to Connect to Scouts as a Parent @MilissaSwingle
@MilissaSwingle ’ perhaps a sceen shot of what you do see
The database has both of your children linked to you in Scoutbook.
I do suggest you contact your council and have them use Registrar Tools to look up your children and connect them to you via the Relationships tab.
I see your children connected to you. Do you need to expand Administration to see them?
@MilissaSwingle also, your daughter may have a duplicate account. The one connected to you has a different birthdate than one with the same name that has been logged into.
Thank you everyone who has replied. I did finally find the kids and now their upcoming activities but that opened a whole new issue to troubleshoot. I am going to create a new post later after I screenshot what is happening.
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