Adding new leader

I have a new leader that I need to get added to our pack. He says that he submitted his application online and can get into scoutbook. How do I get him added to our pack. When I search his BSA member Id it says no record found.

Submitted it to whom? Does he appear in your official pack roster at my.scouting? If not, his application hasn’t been processed/approved yet.

He told me that he did an application online. I do not see him in my roster on my.scouting. I have the application for his son but not for the dad.

Is there a way for you to look up to see if he is pending using his BSA member id?

@TabathaLunsford - i gather that online adult applications are allowed and enabled fof your unit. If so, they are still subject to the approval of the charter org, criminal background check and youth protection training

Who is able to give me an update on his application? I mainly just need to make sure that he filled out the application correctly and there is nothing else for us to do.

I can’t (I’m just a unit-level volunteer), but one of the SUAC folks might be able to check. They have somewhat more visibility into the back end.

Has your Chartered Organization Rep approved the online application? That’s an essential step, and has to happen before the other processes start (e.g. BSA background check). That’s something your COR should be able to see in the Application Manager at my.scouting.

There’s more info on the process here:

@TabathaLunsford - talk to your charter org rep as that is the approver of all adult applications. I honestly suspect no adult application was done.

@TabathaLunsford Ask your unit’s Key 3 (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) to look in the Application Manager. If it is pending, they should see it there.

If it got closed for some reason, they might be able to see it. They should look for the filter (icon looks kind of like a funnel) and select the boxes next to “Closed” and “Completed”.

However, the Chartered Org. Rep. (or COR Delegate) are the only ones who can approve the application for adults.

I’m the committee chair. When I look into the application manager I don’t see his application. I know I can see the kids applications. I can also see the adults applications?


Contact your council for assistance. If the adult is not on your roster then there is no registration.


As the CC, you would be able to see it. Only the COR or COR delegate can approve it.


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