Adding Scout Email address in SB

Severals Parents, including myself is trying to add scout’s email address in Scoutbook. It can be filled in but cannot be saved. It required to fill in telephone number at the same time, pick “ not provided “ on the pull down menu also did not work. Need help please.

@ChauYuet_chu that can be done one of 2 ways.

  1. In Scoutbook (not IA) > Parents can go to Scout > Click Extended Information > there should be an invite tab there
  2. you can use to make the youth’s account using these directions in the attached PDF.

Either method the Scout has to log in once for the email to work.

Myst Account Setup.pdf (223.2 KB)

Thank you Donovan, do you mean as parent I would not be able to update the scout’s profile under “edit profile” of Scoutbook? He has to do it by log in his own account and use “edit profile” to update it? Kindly revert.

You should be able to add it, but he will not be listed to receive messages or event reminders until he has logged in at least once. So, if he’s logging in, you might as well see if he can cha he it himself. He could try his my.scouting profile too.

Thank you Jacob for the advises. I was able to retrieve my son’s myscouting account and update his profile with his log-in.

However it cannot be done by using the adult account, a pop up box “error” appears every time I press save, not sure if it is designed to be like this or it is a bug.

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