Hello, Scouters!
I have a parent who can log into and use Scoutbook with no issues, but when they click on any features that lead to Scoutbook Plus / Internet Advancement (the Calendar, for example) they aren’t able to login. This person is using a unique username and password to log into Scoutbook (no Gmail or Apple logins). My guess is that they may have reset their password to Scoutbook and their computer has the new password saved, and they are typing the old password into Scoutbook Plus where it is not saved. Can someone please check this for me and let me know a way to troubleshoot the issue? Should I just tell them to reset their password to Scoutbook? Will that same password be reset in IA automatically?
This is a problem because this adult and their scout is not able to RSVP to any of our events in the calendar because they can’t reach that part of the site.
Their BSA member ID is 140240560.