Parent cannot log in

I have at parent who last logged into Scoutbook several months ago. Apparently she never created her own password, just used the temporary password provided in the original invitation. She has tried to reset her password, it’s not working. I confirmed that she is using the correct email address, so I’m not sure what the issue is.
BSA Member # 14001533
Scoutbook UserID 12093113

Can someone please help?

@LindaStockert the council can reset the password for this user

Ok, I will try. Fingers crossed! Thank you

I’m not sure how to create a new post as I am new to Scoutbook Forums. Can someone help me find support for two new parents in my pack who are having trouble logging into Scoutbook? Neither parent can login to either Scoutbook or They can receive the e-mail communications in their e-mails but they can’t login. He’s tried using different browsers. He keeps getting “invalid username and password” and it says it will send him a recovery password link to his e-mail but he has never received anything. We’ve been trying to figure this out for a few weeks and I just don’t know where to turn. I’ve tried resending the Scoutbook invite to him a few times. How do I reach Scoutbook IT support? Does anyone have a phone number? Thank you very much!! Jenny Swain, Pack 123, Carmel , Indiana


Post their BSA Member ID or Scoutbook UserID (on the profile page) with no names and tell us what number it is and we will investigate.

@JenniferSwain we can reset the password usually if you post the Scoutbook User ID > find at edit profile for user

Thank you. Please investigate the following:
Family 1
Adult 1 (Dad): UserID 11822610
Adult 1 (Dad): BSA Member #: None
Adult 2: (Mom) UserID 11817176
Adult 2: (Mom) BSA Member # 137263826
Cub Scout: UserID 137263825
Cub Scout: BSA Member # 137263825

Family 2
Adult 1: UserID 11998284
Adult 1: BSA #137364610
Cub Scout: UserID 11995601
Cub Scout: BSA #137364609

Neither of these families can access Scoutbook - multiple attempts to troubleshoot. Not sure where to turn.

Thank you for your help.

UserID 11822610 - logged in in August - we can reset this password
UserID 11817176 - never logged in - can reset password
UserID 11998284 - never logged in - can reset password

@JenniferSwain do you want these passwords reset?

UserID 11822610 received today’s e-mail from you and tried to reset the password and it did not work. Tried all of their birth dates and it didn’t recognize any of them.

@JenniferSwain I sent no remails - do you want the passwords reset?

Yes please. I do know what he was trying then. Yes, please send.

Can you please confirm back once you’ve reset and I will tell him to check his e-mail. Can you please reset all three of the ones that can be reset?

The three I list above are all reset to password “Training1” @JenniferSwain

Thank you. I’ll let the three individuals know. They should have a reset e-mail in their inbox and they should use the password “Training1” to login.

there is no email sent - they need to use their email as user name then Training1 as password

Got it - thank you. I let all three of them know. I’ll report back my findings to you when they reply. I am thankful for your help and hopeful this will work.

The reason this didn’t work is because this parent does not have a my.scouting account. Also, the parent’s DOB is blank in Scoutbook.

I’ll get the date of birth entered. Does the pack admin enter the my.scouting account or does the user create??

You can try entering via their Edit Profile page in Scoutbook. I’m not sure if you can add there for adults or not.

I’m just saying that’s why they can’t match the DOB, because there isn’t a DOB to match.