Adult has taken YPT but certificate not emailed, and not syncing with application

I have an adult leader application (application ID 200767932) that is stuck in limbo. Leader has taken YPT, and sent me proof from the screen that it was complete. He never received an email from BSA with the certificate, and the application states he did not take YPT.
His application is now stuck in “reassignment”, because the COR could not approve it.
Thank You!
Sara Warren

  1. Desktop
  2. Windows
  3. Bing
  4. Central Florida Council 083 - Troop 0931B

If they took YPT they have a BSA# - they can find it by logging into and look at profile.

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If you can provide their bsa member number, we can look to see if there’s an issue with the YPT.

His BSA Number is 134471921

@SaraWarren I think the issue is that he has 2 BSA member numbers:

134471921 - Aloha Council - Has current YPT training
140147056 - Central Florida Council - No training

He also has 2 usernames at my.scouting:

One has Google sign in turned on. The other is his e-mail address.

Can we combine those two accounts? Thanks you!

@SaraWarren I used Manage Member ID last night to set the BSA member number in your council as “primary”. The training has already merged.

We can combine the usernames, but we need to know which username he would like to keep. It looks like he used the username that is his last name plus some numbers most recently.

@SaraWarren He should also be able to get a pdf of his YPT certificate. He can log in to his account at my.scouting. Then click on:

Menu → My Training

In the “My Youth Protection Training” sections, there is a link where he can “Print Certificate”.

Or he can click on “Completions” and see all of his completed training there. If he selects a course, he can then print the certificate.