Adult leader has no access pack and add position button is missing

This adult leader cannot see any info in Scoutbook beyond her own info. The add position button is missing from her profile.


bsa 13663242, sb 11790545

Have you (or one of the Unit Key 3) verified that the adult appears on the official unit roster in my.scouting? If not, then council doesn’t think they’re currently registered with the unit, and the unit will need to get that corrected before the adult can be connected in Scoutbook with a leader role.

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@LeaDye It looks like she has 2 BSA member numbers, with a possible third BSA member number from Connecticut.

@LeaDye This should be fixed.

Her primary BSA member number is 13785729.

Holy moly, why did I not check her bsa number??? Your changed fixed it all. No idea how that happened especially since she’s the CC. Thank you so much!!


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