Adult Leader just lost access to scoutbook

We have our Scoutmaster of T611 who is setup in our charter. He for some reason just lost access to his unit and he has an ! He is part of a pack and a venturing crew. Can someone look at his account and assist. Our council Scout Exeutive spent 2 hours trying to figure it out without a solution.
BSA ID 108804508
Green Mountain Council 0592
User initials. JA.
He has two children that should be under his account too. KA T611and DA P678.

Thank you


It appears this individual is registered in both Green Mountain and Heart of New England Councils. Please confirm.

Yes. He is part of both councils.


I have fixed this. Tell him to ONLY login to Scoutbook when his BSA Member ID 137533939 is primary in

Thank you. Will do. He says it’s working.

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