Is there a way to create a report showing adult training outside of those required for a specific position? Also, instead of the training ID number showing it name.
The only way I know of for unit-level leaders to list adult training, outside of their currently-registered position, is with the Training Validation tool under the left side drop-down menu in my.scouting. You need either the adult’s BSA ID or their my.scouting username.
The resulting report lists the title and course number, as well as the training date. It does not indicate if the course expires, or when. It also does not indicate what positions the adult is trained for based on what training has been completed.
I know that folks have asked for a more “useful” form of training report that would permit assessment of which positions an adult (registered or not) may be trained, since a some councils require that adults be fully position-trained in order to register as a scouter. I don’t where the BSA would put something like that in the priority queue, given the current financial and staffing situations, no matter how valuable I or others might find it to be.
ETA: I should clarify that this is also a way to get information for their registered positions including the course titles, rather than the generic training report which only lists the course numbers (and only the current courses at that).
If a Key 3 of Key 3 Designate:
Log into
From the upper left menu select Training Manager for the Unit the person(s) is(are) in.
On the left hand side select Add/Search
Then select the Search Training Tab
Click in the check box for the person(s) you wish to view
Then select the magnifying glass View Training
Click on each persons name to view/hide what training that person has
To the right and slightly below each persons name is a magnifying glass and to the right of that is the word “Trained” with a small down carrot, select (hover over )the word “Trained” two other selections are possible “All with History” or “Expired”
This shows the Course Number and Title, Date Completed and a Valid Until Date.
If the box to the left of the course is clicked the ability to print a certificate is available
Click on the Training Report for each person to export to pdf or csv
I hope this helps
Thanks, That was useful in terms of pointing me in the right direction. I wanted to be able to find which leader had specific training, and the system is not set up to do that. But, if you select all the leaders you can export the report to a CSV file. Then open it in Excel. Some quick formatting to change it into a table, then you can sort and filter as your place.
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