Adult Leader Training Percentage Inaccurate

The training percentages are incorrect for the majority of the leaders in my pack and troop. Basically, I have leaders whose YPT is the only training showing, and I can see they are 100% trained via

Will this be corrected? If not, is there a way to fix this without having to click on each individual training and updating it?


@SusanDavalos - scoutbook will no longer be used for training reports. Those would be found as you noted at

I’m not able to get the training reports to load in my.scouting at all - any suggestions? I’m running the latest version of Google Chrome, and everything else works fine as far as I’m able to tell.

@DianeKovach - first question is what is your position in the unit ? Next is what is the error or result of your attempt?

Good evening. I’m the Scoutmaster, Troop 0456G. It takes me to the my.scouting page, shows a progress bar, and then doesn’t progress and eventually times out.



@DianeKovach - are you accessing the reports directly or via the links in scoutbook/unit/reports ?

Finally got it to work via my.scouting but WOW, do I dislike the format of the report. Scoutbook was SO much more user-friendly and easier to read quickly. Awful!


Diane, this is what I do. At I go to the Training Manager. If the Trained Leaders pie chart is all green, then all leaders are trained. If part of the pie chart is red, then I prefer to:

  1. Click on “Search Training” (looks like a magnifying glass icon).
  2. Click on names of one or more adults (or select all with the green checkmark).
  3. Click on “Print Member Training Report” (looks like a document icon).

The report will list the Additional Training Needed (by course name) and also the training that has already been completed.

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