We have a newly registered adult who is showing up in the Position Manager, but not the my.Scouting Roster. He was showing up yesterday, but now his name is gone.
BSA ID: 141139302
We have a newly registered adult who is showing up in the Position Manager, but not the my.Scouting Roster. He was showing up yesterday, but now his name is gone.
BSA ID: 141139302
In the Position Manager, do you see the blue shield with checkmark? The blue shield with checkmark indicates that the criminal background check (CBC) has been completed.
Asking my COR now, will update when I get a response.
Will the “Registration Inquiry” committee member be able to access the Position Manager and see this?
If so, can you direct me to instructions on how to access it (I’m not Key 3 myself, so I don’t know the system myself and wouldn’t be able to help or Registration Inquiry leader).
A Key 3 Delegate can see the Position Manager. I am not sure if someone with the Registration Inquiry role can see it or not. I think that functional role primarily gives visibility to the Invitation Manager and the Application Manager.
There are some guides at the following link:
The Registration Inquiry member is checking out my.Scouting right now, she doesn’t have the Application Manager.
That sounds like a bug. She should ask the local council to submit a help ticket on her behalf to National.
This is what the Registration Inquiry role is supposed to have access to (based on the Online Registration Unit Guidebook):
Registration Inquiry – This role is a “view only” role that can be given to those who need to have access to Invitation Manager or Application Manager to see information. They cannot approve applications.
I see application manager with the registration inquiry functional role. What is that user’s bsa member number? Which unit is this for?
She was on mobile when she couldn’t find the application manager. When she logged on via desktop, she was able to find it.
That’s weird. I saw it on mobile via the my.scouting.org URL.
This leader’s registration still isn’t showing up on the roster in my.Scouting.
In Scoutbook Plus, I can see him:
How can we ascertain what needs to happen to complete the registration?
@etruongcao talk to Council is best way