Adult Partner registering as committee member

my.Scouting Tools - Member Manager

Unit key-3 leaders should be able to download a roster spreadsheet (filtered by “adult” in position name) that shows a number in the “Member Id” column. For example.


No-Fee-Required Registrations

… Executive officer and Lion and Tiger adult partner positions do not require a registration fee because they are not registered adult leader positions. These positions also do not require a completed BSA adult application and are not submitted for a criminal background check. While Youth Protection training is not required for adults holding these positions, it is recommended for all participating adults.

There is an exception:

Youth Application Requirements

Lion or Tiger adult partners not living at the same address MUST each complete an adult application.

I’ve tried both online and paper application method and there is no consistent outcome. Small variations in spelling of names between each account, sequence of account establishment and YPT result in multiple accounts. It is typical for an adult leader who originally joined as an adult partner 2 years ago to have 3-4 accounts after submitting their application for a committee position. To resolve I recommend starting with merging id’s by contacting Member Care and establishing which id should be primary. Then have the adult correctly setup MyScouting account and select primary number through legacy tools. Then setup Scoutbook, there was possibly a new id generated with the new application, enable SSO and connect with MyScouting account. Then I would talk to the registrar and confirm this info in Scoutnet and make sure YPT and other training is attached to their record. Finally I would send an email to Scoutbook help desk and have them merge ids there.

I hate to say this, but BSA really needs to come up with a cleaner way to do this. We should be able to process an application quickly and with no errors while eliminating multiple entries in the BSA database. We should also be able to register within a unit (i.e. change roles) via the online application. Until we do this, there will be no data integrity to the system. How many people have multiple IDs for no good reason, and how many of them didn’t even know it? I have one parent who has been YPT certified for a year, and we didn’t know because they had more than one BSA MemberID.


@MichaelTrotochaud - unfortunately for some councils the online adult application process will never happen due to state legislation.

@Stephen_Hornak That should be the exception and not the rule… And I’m curious as to why there is legislation preventing this.

@MichaelTrotochaud - you would need to look up Pennsylvania, Penn State, Jerry Sandusky to examine the mess.

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