Duplicate Adult Scoutbook Accounts

Can I get two accounts merged? 14648354 and 13695478 are the same person. 13695478 shows YPT completion. 14648354 is connected to his scout. Can the connection and YPT be applied to whichever is the remaining one? Thanks.

I have the same problem with accounts in our Pack. Joining conversation for a solution.

@BrendanEvans If you post the BSA member number, we can take a look. (No names, please)

Thank you for the help. Mine are: 2659172 and 12806223. I should be in Pack 1261, not Pack 39.

@ErinTetanski This is fixed.

He needs to log in with his my.scouting user name – not his e-mail address. I have set 13695478 as “primary”.

@BrendanEvans This is fixed as best I can. You are not registered as an adult leader yet in the new council.

Similar issue - one profile (BSA Member ID: 12614807 ) as a parent, one profile (BSA Member ID:137512530) as a cubmaster. Baltimore Council has been notified.

@TaraLydick This is fixed. However, this adult leader is registered as a Den Leader - not yet as a Cubmaster.

I would recommend that the leader log in at my.scouting and double-check their date of birth.

The adult leader will need to log in with their my.scouting user name – not e-mail address.

The same issue, I tried going through the local council since August 12th with no results.

The account I am using as a leader: BSA Member ID 137434789 SB User ID 12100510

I also have the following
Member ID 137434789 User ID 12098935
Member ID 137434739 User ID 12098896
Member ID 137434759 User ID 12098912
and my Member ID as a scout was 10660009 not sure if that is needed

Good morning,
I also have duplicate accounts that I would like merged:
BSA ID: 132647991 (linked to My.Scouting username)
BSA ID: 14666046 (linked to My.Scouting email address)

Both accounts contains training completions. It also appears there is a mixture between both accounts of my roles in multiple Packs/Troops. Will all of these remain and still show up once the accounts are merged?

Thank you!

@JasonArcher User 12098935 is your daughter - the rest is fixed

@TimothyDemers these are 2 different councils that means 2 different BSA #s

Thank you for the reply. How is training credit handled with different BSA #'s? Does completing YPT under one # count for the other one? Thanks!

@TimothyDemers all training should merge to Primary MID if log into my.scouting.org > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to Scoutbook.com and log in using your my.scouting.org credentials - this allows you to switch BSA log ins by switching primary

I also need two adult accounts merge. SB user ID is 12616794 for adult initials AS. This SB user ID has NO BSA number. We need her BSA ID 14466003 attached.

I have 2 member ID’s under my email address. I have an original that I think is the 137166263 account. I should have my trainings and YPT under this one. I was just made and advancement chair, and in effort to give me access to the pack, they created a new account 129684056, but I am listed as a male (when I am female) and it shows my YPT as being due. Is there a way to have one merged account with my trainings and also access to the pack as well as a female gender? Thanks.


I have been informed by NNJC that BSA is currently unable to “merge” accounts.
Have your adult/scout log-in to my.scouting.org and set their primary membership to the desired account in “Manage Mebership ID” (upper left pull-down). If the adult/scout cannot see the second account, simply go through the process of “adding” an account within the Manage Mebership ID.
this will tie the two accounts but not merge them.

hope this helps!
Cubmaster Fred

@LauraZhiss that is fixed

@ErynCordner this is fixed - log in with username not email

I have 2 accounts as well.
I use the login through my gmail with SB 11984440/BSA 13776619, and this should be the one that remains. It uses my nickname and is linked to all my Scouts.
I can’t log in to the one using my username anymore. The Member ID is 136654138. It uses my full name rather than my nickname and is only linked to my oldest Scout.