I have a newly added den leader who was already a Lion Adult Partner, and now he has two member IDs. Can these be merged?
Stephanie Jackson, CC, Pack 516
I have a newly added den leader who was already a Lion Adult Partner, and now he has two member IDs. Can these be merged?
Stephanie Jackson, CC, Pack 516
@StephanieJackson1 we will look at the SB Users - DL can log into my.scouting.org > click Menu top left > Click Manage Member ID > one of the BSA # will be there marked PRIMARY > then add the other MID (BSA #) - you want to make the one that is your unit registration PRIMARY > Then go to Scoutbook.com and log in using your my.scouting.org credentials
@StephanieJackson1 the SB Users are merged
Awesome! Thank you
Help! In the last 2 months I have missed emails and did verify there are 2 “Tracy Seymour” in Troop 13’s list. As the Advancement Chair this is challenging, how do I correct? I had a profile with my photo and it is still there but when I type in my log in I get an error that I have multiple accounts:
User ID:9893282 BSA Member No: [removed by Moderator for privacy]
User ID: 11320008 BSA Member No: [removed by Moderator for privacy]
thank you in advance, Tracy Seymour
[removed by Moderator for privacy]
@TracySeymour1 I am looking in to this for you.
@TracySeymour1 I am still working on something with regard to your account, but you should be able to log in now. You might need to wait overnight for everything to sync up.
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@TracySeymour1 This should be completely fixed for you now.
Need to merge Parent (BSA #137142936 User ID# 11670984) to Den Leader BSA #4290293 User ID #12214725) and add his email address to the Den Leader account EMAIL REMOVED
I have a Scout that needs a duplicate Scoutbook account deleted or merged (User 12411434) into their correct account (BSA 13836112, User 11611968). I’m the Admin for our Troop, I tried several times to delete the account from the Scout’s Profile Page, but kept getting the errant message that my password was not correct.
@ChristopherLubenetsk that is fixed. @EliasEl_Hage we will look at it
@EliasEl_Hage there are 4 different users - I merged them all but what is correct gender - some were F some were M - AKELA says F so I will go with that unless I hear otherwise
F, but she has a twin brother in the boys troop
@EliasEl_Hage yeah all looks good
Great, Thank you for your help!
Tried to add my son who already has a member ID and somehow it gave him a new one. 126471551 is his ID, and 14224294 is what it gave him. Can they be merged to first one?
@JohnHorner1 When you create an account at my.scouting, if you use a nickname, the system won’t find a match and will create a new BSA member number.
Your Scout’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged.
Can I get two accounts merged? When my wife was added as a committee member, it created her a second account.
Keep (BSA 14181885, User 12385499), merge (BSA 135073007, User 1273673)
Thank you!