Advanced a Den, but none of my scouts advanced?

Has anyone seen this happen? I advanced all of my Dens using the advance Den capability. The Dens all appear to advance to the next rank correctly but none of the scouts in each den did. For example - All of my current Tigers are still marked as Lions even though they’re in a Tiger Den and fully earned Lion last year.

Second question - is there a way to advance an individual scout?

@DanielSchiller - advance den only brings the den to the next rank level. It does not advance their rank as that needs to be earned. So the scouts will always show the last earned rank.

@Stephen_Hornak - Thanks, I’m assuming everything is ok then. I can still mark advancements for the their current rank, but everything in the main scoutbook view, and the den leader view are defaulting back to their adventures for their previous rank. I think that inconsistency is causing confusion. I’ll carry on, thanks.

@DanielSchiller - it is not inconsistency it is how cub scouting works. The Dens move up each year to the next working rank. You can certainly have a cub scout in a bear den who ONLY earned Lion.

@stephen_hornak - I know how cub scouting work, thanks!

I’m having trouble picturing what the problem is. Maybe you could provide some screenshots with names obscured?

I think this may be the issue:
This is a wbeleos den:

Yes, as you rightfully point out I believe this is an issue of semantics around how we throw around the term “Rank” in cub scouts. I think the UI should reflect the current “rank” of the Den, not the scout, when entering or viewing the current state of completion. This is especially true in the new Den Leader interface. This is the main Scoutbook view of a Wolf Den.

In the Den Leader view for one of these scouts with the rank of “Tiger” I only see their completed, and uncompleted Tiger requirements. This makes it appear that this scout is still working towards the rank of Tiger, which is not true since they are a 2nd grader working towards the rank of Wolf. While this view of rank might technically be true it’s pretty useless for a Wolf Den Leader teaching Wolf requirements.

This view was what initially sent me down this rabbit hole. I’m trying to get my den leaders set up with the new interface. Thanks for taking the time Stephen, I appreciate it.

Ok. The primary concern is with the scoutbook for den leaders (den leader experience)? We can definitely report that to the developers.

Yes, that’s the final recommendation - the Den Leader adventure status should match the rank level of the Den, not the Scout. I’ve noticed the completion bar for the scout in the main Scoutbook view reflects it this way, it just needs to be propogated to the den leader view.

@DanielSchiller - admittedly, the DLE does show 100% on Tiger. The scoutbook has always displayed the Current Rank as in current earned rank not a working toward.

Yes, this largely true except for the “Wolf Badge” Completion Bar below. This is the same scout in the main scoutbook view.

The recommendation has been passed along to the developers. We don’t know when or if they’ll implement it.

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