Advancement report issues in Scoutbook/Scoutbook Plus

Going to get an advancement report from Scoutbook Plus so I can go to the local Scout Store Saturday before our Pack meeting on Sunday, and I find I can no longer print the report there and am instead redirected to and to get the “Needs Purchasing Report” from the Pack reports there. My issue is that when I do that, instead of the 33 items that show as “Need Purchasing” in Scoutbook Plus, I see a single open purchase order from Jan. 16, 2021 and a note that there are “no awards that need purchasing at this time”.

What is accurate at present? Or do I need to wait for this migration to be complete before I can run reports and know I am getting the right advancement materials?

One other note: I am registered as a committee member for one Troop (7019) and as the advancement chair for a Pack (0021). Not sure if this is causing issues with the visibility of things in Scoutbook.

My information:
SB ID: 11519787
BSA Member ID: 13633078

@MarkGuertin the old purchase order I would first just close. Then I would check the Scoutbook Needs Approval Report to see if the items are there waiting to go to the needs purchasing report

I can only see items in the Needs Approval Report that are for my son, no one else in the Pack. As Advancement Chair, should I be able to see more than that?

@MarkGuertin you were not really made UAC correctly - your Key 3 should go to - Organizational Manager - Position Manager - Functional Roles = they can officially make you UAC there and 24 hours later you will be admin in Scoutbook to manage all scouts

Weirdly I show as the Unit Advancement Chair on that screen, but not as a registered adult. I assume because I’m registered with another unit? I’ve submitted paperwork to get listed that way, but that will take a week so we’ll just hold off on awarding advancement until this is sorted.