Advancement chair lost access to SB

Hi all, a few weeks ago my advancement chair lost access in SB. He was paid for and rechartered this year. I was able to go in under his roles and click update which would fix it until the next day. Something seems to be resetting each night. Also this shows next to his name on the roster. Please help! Super annoying. W.T. is our advancement chair.

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@KellyLivingston - soooo… does this person sow up in the roster at… if not then talk to your council

I am the former CC (transferred to someone else a few months ago) so I cannot see that on . New CC very slow to uptake and COR is basically MIA. Can cub master see this?

Yes the cubmaster can see the my.scouting roster.

I would recommend that your Cubmaster first check the pack’s official Roster at my.scouting. If the Cubmaster does not see W.T. there, then the Cubmaster (or Committee Chair or Chartered Org. Rep.) should contact the local council.

@JenniferOlinger - funny you mention those items… :slight_smile:

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