Advancement sync dropped

We have a handful of Scouts who are not listed as “Advancement is synced”. They are missing the A symbol on the Scoutbook roster.
They are current/returning Scouts. We have recently completed renewal so hopefully it will come back as renewal/recharter is completed, but I wanted to check.

Yes this is a bug reported in last few days, as the system is a good ways beyond that and we guess we are just hitting some old code. You can post the BSA #'s as more examples for DEVs @ThomasGlave

Thank you for the quick reply. A couple of the affected are:

There’s also a note in their individual Scoutbook profile that says “(Scout) has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.” I assume this is the same syncing bug.

As I was looking at our roster, I noticed another glitch - we have 3 scouts who are on our my.scouting roster and Internet Advancement roster but they are not showing on Scoutbook. All three of them on Internet Advanement have a expiration date of “future” instead of a date. They are llisted as “renewed” instead of “current”.

I think your renewal was just processed yesterday and these should resolve over the next 24 hours

@ThomasGlave do you know when these scouts registration was renewed?

@DonovanMcNeil they were all in the troop’s batch of renewals paid to Council on 12/26/24.

Yeah I bet the same 24 hour process then