Advancement sync dropped

We have a handful of Scouts who are not listed as “Advancement is synced”. They are missing the A symbol on the Scoutbook roster.
They are current/returning Scouts. We have recently completed renewal so hopefully it will come back as renewal/recharter is completed, but I wanted to check.

Yes this is a bug reported in last few days, as the system is a good ways beyond that and we guess we are just hitting some old code. You can post the BSA #'s as more examples for DEVs @ThomasGlave

Thank you for the quick reply. A couple of the affected are:

There’s also a note in their individual Scoutbook profile that says “(Scout) has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.” I assume this is the same syncing bug.

As I was looking at our roster, I noticed another glitch - we have 3 scouts who are on our my.scouting roster and Internet Advancement roster but they are not showing on Scoutbook. All three of them on Internet Advanement have a expiration date of “future” instead of a date. They are llisted as “renewed” instead of “current”.

I think your renewal was just processed yesterday and these should resolve over the next 24 hours

@ThomasGlave do you know when these scouts registration was renewed?

@DonovanMcNeil they were all in the troop’s batch of renewals paid to Council on 12/26/24.

Yeah I bet the same 24 hour process then

Our unit has the same problem after registration hit for two scouts who have been active a long time with our unit.
Scout Numbers: 130789531 and 130789682.
The Council’s registrar thinks that it is not an issue, but as Advancement Chair I am not able to approve advancements for these two scouts.

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@BarbaraWells this looks like a data sync issue that is being investigated

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@DonovanMcNeil So I can explain to our troop parents, both issues I’ve listed above (advancement sync and scouts disappearing despite being renewed) are being investigated as bugs? We’ll hold tight and wait for a fix (and keep advancements on paper for now)

Could you check these four members. They dropped off the Scoutbook roster when renewed and have not come back on. They are renewed and listed on my.scouting roster.


In my.scouting they show as renewed for the new year. Their status says Renewed while others say Current.

I do believe these had different expiration dates (early 2025) than the rest of the troop (12/31/24).

@ThomasGlave ok I setup sync for these will take 24 hours - these are hit by a bug we have reported

@DonovanMcNeil These did not appear back in Scoutbook today. I see lots of the same issues on the forums and I appreciate you guys working on it. Just wanted to let you know that sync didn’t take this time.
I had emailed my Council a couple of days ago with those same IDs to see if they could do something. This is the response I got today, for what its worth:
I wanted to provide you with some clarification regarding the current status of the member IDs you have provided. Each one is set to expire on 01/31/2025. However, I wanted to bring to your attention that the renewal effective registration date of 02/01/2025 has overridden the current expiration date in my.Scouting.
As a result, please note that Scoutbook reflects the information from my.Scouting, so the individuals associated with these member IDs will not be visible in Scoutbook until the current expiration date of 01/31/2025.

yes it seems sync fails for registrations like this it has been reported

Hi @DonovanMcNeil
I have several scouts who are missing the A symbol on the Scoutbook roster.

These are their BSA Member ID’s:

I also already tried these instructions from Knowledge Base article, but it didn’t help

@VasudhaNalluru I have requested a position sync. The Scouts should update within 24 hours.

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One of my two sons is not synced to my profile in Scoutbook. He earned his Eagle rank in November 2022. His twin brother is linked to my profile. (removed by Moderator)

(removed by Moderator) - T436 - Patriots Path Council - Council # 358.

Can you please synch his profile so all his advancement/leadership information migrates from Scoutbook Plus to Scoutbook?

Since my son’s are no longer “active” scouts, I don’t have the ability to submit a sync request. My scout ID #: (removed by Moderator).


W. Scott O’Neil
COR/ASM - Troop # 436
Long Valley, New Jersey
Skylands District
Patriot’s Path Council

I started this thread 2 weeks ago. I’m still have trouble with advancement sync. I have individually unchecked and rechecked their position approval in their membership. I’ve done it twice. It works - shows the A - for a little while but then disconnects again. The same scouts - listed below - are affected.

@WilliamO_Neil Scoutbook and Scoutbook Plus share the same database.

What are you trying to do exactly? Are you trying to get a history report? Or something else?