We just recently encountered this advancement synch error asking to update the scout from his account page. I have been unable to find the scouts account page to update any information. Is that a result in access in scout book or position I hold within the troop? My login has full administration rights for permissions and I am able to see/update any scout on the roster. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
@CharlesOsborne so in SB that Scouts are not showing the Red Circle A? if that is case that is an issue being investigated
I see the Red Circle A on the Main Troop Name, showing some scouts with that as well. Are the ones without the Red Circle A something I can fix?
That is a bug that is being investigated
Depending on the status of your unit renewal and the scout’s renewal, you may be able to restore the sync status by clicking the scout’s current membership, making sure the approved box is checked, and clicking update.
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