Sync Advancement disappeared for two established scouts

I have two scouts in Troop 41 (GNYC) that lost Advancement Sync for no apparent reason.

I tried updating their membership and that tells me that page cannot be loaded. They maintain their green shields in their profiles. I have not changed any of their information (first name, last name, member id, etc.).

I cannot award rank ups or merit badges. What can i do to resolve this issue?

Please post their BSA member numbers (no names, please) and we can take a look.

The two member ids are: 131118797 and 131119304.

Thank you for your assistance.

@RaffaeleBranca It looks like the troop’s charter expired 3/31/2021. I would recommend contacting your local council.

I will contact GNYC but why only these two scouts are not synced?

I’m not sure. Every Scout I look up in your troop appears to have an expired registration.

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