All of my permissions are gone in Scoutbook (only have access to my account profile)

I’m the pack committee chair and therefore admin for our pack’s account. I also have two sons in Scouts BSA. Up until some time last week, I had access to all of these views. On Tuesday,I logged into Scoutbook and saw I no longer had these views. The only thing in my account now is my name, BSA number and zip code. I have had an account for years with profile picture and everything. Another pack leader checked and can see my full account still attached to the pack account with admin rights. I need to begin ordering for advancement supplies but can’t do so without access. Please help. Thanks!


Are you using your ID and password to log in to Scoutbook? When you go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → Profile do you see a BSA Member ID?

It sounds to me as if you have 2 Scoutbook accounts and have been connected to the wrong one when you logged in.

I recommend sending an e-mail to with your name, BSA Member ID, council and unit along with as much information describing the issue as possible. Ask them to search for duplicate IDs and to retire any “bad” ones they find.

log into > click menu top left > go down to where it says your unit > inside that if you see Member Manager then you are in your chairperson log in > you can then go above that under member to my profile and get your BSA # to include in above menu.

Thank you. I compared BSA Member IDs in Scoutbook and my.scouting already. They are the same. When I first noticed this Tuesday though, there were two IDs in my.scouting but now there is only one. My current profile in my.scouting is correct and has the same member ID as the one currently in Scoutbook, but Scoutbook has no data.

I reached out to the support email so thank you for that.


In that case, what happened is your registrar retired one of the numbers. Your account with the data contained the old number. If you know both BSA Member IDs that will help them get the correct account retired.

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