So, I get this error on trying to submit my charter with pay council option.
@GlennHarbin submit your BSA # and what the error says and it can be reported
@DonovanMcNeil, I’ve received emails from at least five units in my council asking what does this mean and how do they correct it. It appears to be related to the Non-Manual (ACH and credit card payment methods). From Commissioner Tools reports the charters are still in “In Progress” while manual payments are “On Hold” (as I suspect is correct until the check has been received by council).
Looking at the Commissioner Tools, this appears to be universal for my council given that charter due dates internally was December 10th (we extended the local date by a week to see if we can find out what to do for mitigation/resolution).
Any insight? I see nothing in the users guide nor here in the forum (except for this thread).
Yours in Scouting,
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner, Scoutbook Specialist
Adventure West Council (formerly Greater Wyoming-Longs Peak Council) #62
@LouLeopold Is this what they see as soon as they attempt to pay? Or later when they log back in?
Can you provide the bsa member numbers of the individuals running into this and their unit numbers?
@jacobfetzer Based on emails received, it is both cases. I’ve had them try again (in order):
1.Try Incognito mode (for Chrome)
2. Clear browser cache and history
3. Log out, then back in from Internet Recharter
4. Log out, reboot their system, try again.
All with the same results, so this appears to either be an issue with the system as opposed to user error, especially being council-wide and only with electronic funds payments. Every unit in our council that has attempted to pay is getting this error so listing every member who attempted to pay is problematic.
A small sample of a few are as follows:
| District | Unit | Member # |
| Frontier | T101B |135046870 |
| Bighorn | P198F |132362248 |
| Bighorn | P193F | 12867249 |
Any insight you can provide would be most welcome.
Yours in Scouting,
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner, Scoutbook Specialist
Adventure West Council (formerly Greater Wyoming-Longs Peak Council) #62
Is that before or after they enter the payment info? The more details you can provide the quicker the developers can diagnose the root cause.
I just received an email from one of the units (T101) stating they changed their payment method from “ACH Payment” to “Credit Card” and received the following:
So it appears to be at the time that an ACH electronic payment is being attempted, at least for this unit.
Based on that this appears to not be unique to one unit (in my council at least), and after working with the units on a case by case basis, I can only go based on what I am being told as there are times when I also have to ask the “20 questions” across every contact I receive which does indeed make the investigation slower than desired.
And, looking at the charter report from Commissioner Tools, I see this unit does indeed have “Credit Card” as their Payment Type.
I’ll continue to relay information as the unit processors respond.
Yours in Scouting,
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner, Scoutbook Specialist
Adventure West Council (formerly Greater Wyoming-Longs Peak Council) #62
I’m glad they found that workaround and helped narrow down the issue. I’ll let the developers know that too. In the meantime, if the other two could remain as is for a couple days, that would help the developers investigate. (If it gets beyond a couple days, I totally understand that you may have to do what you have to do in order to finish up recharter.)
Here’s some additional information. I’ve been asking all my units to send me steps and screenshots that lead up to the error and I just received my first and am providing that to you to relay to the developers.
Gmail - RE_ Recharter Payment Failures.pdf (655.2 KB)
The information to check may be found with: Bighorn District Pack 199, BSA Member ID: 12850959 .
Yours in Scouting,
Lou Leopold
Assistant Council Commissioner, Scoutbook Specialist
Adventure West Council (formerly Greater Wyoming-Longs Peak Council) #62