"Another user is using the same address" second account

At some point I ended up with two scouting accounts attached to the same email. One of them is the correct account, my kids in scouting are connected and my positions and training are correct. The other account is unused and has “invalid date” for the expiration data. I don’t know how to remove the second account. I have the member ID, should I post that or message it?


@DCIII I have merged your Scoutbook accounts. Please log all the way out, then log back in again.

Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your children. In the “Relationships” tab / section, they should remove you under any secondary BSA member ID numbers. You should only be listed as parent under your primary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -660. This will help to prevent future issues.

thank you for the rapid response!


I have a similar issue with my account. I moved last year from Bay Area Council to Great Trails Council. My affiliation in the scoutbook shows Bay Area and there is a warning about another user with the same email and name… I am not sure how to merge them into one user.

Not sure whether this is related, my YPT completion has also not been updated. Thank you in advance for your help.

@DenizGurkan Please keep your BSA member ID number ending in -724 set as “primary” at my.Scouting (Manage Member ID).

Based on what I can see, you are missing SCO_3010 (Bullying):

Also, please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child (or children). In the “Relationships” tab / section, you should be listed as parent only under your primary BSA member ID number. They should remove you as parent under any other BSA member ID numbers to help prevent future issues.

Addition: Please log all the way out, then log back in again.

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