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For the last few weeks - I have been getting an error message when I log in to SB. I reached out to council - as I also could not log in here to post this question. I just got an error that said something to the effect of “you are attempting to change something you don’t have access to” - when I was just trying to log in to the forums. I tried again today and now I can at least log in - though the SB error message is still there…
@EricaReed1 The message “Another user is using the same email address” is a warning message, not necessarily an error message.
In your case, your Cub Scout also has the same e-mail address on his Scoutbook account. We can remove it, but the odds are good that it will come back.
I guess the big question is… is this a problem? I vaguely remember something about “you have to have an email for each Scout in order to get the renewal emails”. While my 5th grader DOES have an email account through his school - we don’t monitor it and I am guessing most kids (esp the lion/tiger/wolf/etc) won’t have them.
However, if you are using Gmail, we could put a +1 on the Scout’s e-mail to distinguish it from your own. Gmail views them as the same, so it would still go to your e-mail inbox at Gmail.
Don’t use a youth school e-mail for Scouting. There are many schools cracking down on what their addresses are used for. We have had Scouts locked out of Scoutbook because they tried to use a school google account.
Renewal notifications are supposed to go to the parent connected to the Scout in Akela, not to the Scout’s e-mail address. I received the renewal notification for my Scouts, they did not.
Good to know. I’m not worried about having an email account on there for the kiddo… Just don’t want to screw something up. It makes sense that it would need to Go to the parent associated… I just recall something posted right as these renewal seasons were about to begin about making sure all scout accounts have an email associated with them And how to run a report to verify that they did because without an associated email the registration notification wouldn’t go out. It was all very confusing…