Another User with Same Email Address

I added my third son this year, now I am getting an error message that another user is using my email address. If anyone can help with this it would be greatly appreciated. I am not sure if it is related, but now when I got to add merit badge counselors to our scouts it takes me to their connections and not to the Merit Badge Counselor list.

Thanks for any help.

Do you have multiple Scoutbook accounts or did you create a new Scoutbook account to add your son?


Your son with first initial H has your e-mail address on his account. Would you like me to remove it?

This happened because your e-mail address is on his person record in Akela. We have asked Councils not to use an adult’s e-mail address for a youth but they often do.

Yes please, I figured it was something like that.


I removed your e-mail address from H’s Scoutbook account. You will need to contact your Council registrar to have it removed from his record in Akela.

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