Okay had 9 crossovers in February. Took paper apps to council. They entered them and all profiles showed up in SB.
4 of the 9 are not synced and so can’t . I took issue to Council and they tried a few things didn’t update. So they created a ticket with National.
How long is too long to wait for National to do anything?


Post the BSA Member IDs (no names) and we will investigate.

We crossed over 6 Webelos last week. The losing Pack “transferred” them to us, and all the Scouts showed up in our Troop roster. Pending submission and acceptance of “transfer” paperwork. This week, they all disappeared, and show the message “Ended by SB 2874 clean up script for membership that was not on recharter that runs on Apr 19, 2021” How do we get them back into our roster?

@DeanMeinert Check to see if you are still connected to the Scouts in Scoutbook by going to:

My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Connections

If you are still connected, click on their name and update their Membership.

@JenniferOlinger Thank you, but no luck. I am assuming we never established those connections.

Council did that they are members of troop but not synced to national


If you can give us their BSA Member IDs, we can look to see if they have been officially transferred. You can also look on your roster in 24 hours after they appear there, they should appear in Scoutbook.


If you can see the message “Ended by SB-2874…” you should be able to remove the end date, click Update then enter the membership again, check the Approved box and click Update.

There were some problems found with Member Update dealing with Scouts that did not recharter so a clean up script was run on April 19. Unfortunately, these Scouts that are not yet on your official roster were caught up in that fix.

They are on troop roster

@edavignon Thank you, a parent was able to see that and we got everybody back into our roster. Now, I have a follow-up problem. A few families can’t get into their account / more specifically they can’t update their email address. They get an error that says the address is already in use.

@DeanMeinert I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

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