We had 7 boy AOLs that crossed into the troop in February. We transferred them to the troop and were accepted but they still show up on our roster as not in a den. How can we fix this?
You can go to their membership pages in Scoutbook and add an end date. If you post their BSA Member IDs (no names) we can see if they were officially transferred to a troop.
@LeahBorst - what was your process to transfer them… was it just in scoutbook ?
I’m pretty sure we initiated a transfer in Scoutbook to the troop. We had 2 girls in the group and they no longer show on our roster, only the boys.
@LeahBorst - the in council transfer button ?
All of them were renewed in the pack after they were registered in the troop. Contact your Council and ask that their pack memberships be ended.
Would this be because we had to recharter them? Would they come off automatically at the next recharter?
I don’t know how it happened but it is not correct. A Scout cannot be simultaneously in a Troop and a Pack. It is better to contact the Council and get it fixed now.
@LeahBorst - if they are transferred to the troop properly there would have been no need to recharter them in the pack
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