What to do after AOL crossover?

We just had 11 scouts crossover to 3 different troops. None of those troops are apparently using Scoutbook (not sure why). What can I do with these scouts to get them moved over to the BSA version of Scoutbook so they can continue to use it individually, if that is even still possible?

Well it will happen with Member update without you having to do anything

ETA: Bah! I read your question wrong. I thought you were on the troop side. My suggestions were for a person on the troop side to “pull in” scouts who were coming from a pack that didn’t use Scoutbook. Ignore me. Sheesh, Charley… :roll_eyes:

All of the scouts should be in Scoutbook if they were registered with the BSA, even if the previous unit wasn’t actively using Scoutbook. If you have the following information, you should be able to “pull in” their current Scoutbook records using the Transfer in Scout tool under My Dashboard → My Units → Unit Roster (scroll all the way down):

  • BSA ID
  • Last Name
  • Zip Code
  • Birthdate

You may have to link the parents’ accounts to the scouts, as the default parent accounts may not have valid email addresses. Alternatively, you can wait for council to add them to your roster, and they should all appear within 24-48 hours of appearing on your official roster at my.scouting.

You are a Cub Scout leader with a pack, correct? After they turn in their BSA youth application to transfer their membership from the pack to the troop, then their transfer should happen automatically after the local council processes the applications (usually about 24-48 hours afterwards).

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