Assign scouts to multiple patrols?

I’m putting this under Using SB/SB+ instead of Bugs because I’m not sure it is one.

All of a sudden, I had a few scouts show up as duplicates in my Scoutbook roster. Turns out I had assigned them to multiple patrols. We reorganized patrols recently, and I used the Scoutbook Plus roster (as opposed to legacy Scoutbook) to quickly reassign folks (Group/Edit Patrol, then the edit button on the Patrol banner). It was my error, and limiting them to one patrol removed the duplicates in the SB roster.

My question is whether this is expected behavior or a bug. Some units may have reasons to assign scouts to multiple patrols, but we don’t.

Thoughts, anyone?

SB+ is not setup for Troops yet - though the multiple patrol is a feature of SB+ - As a troop for things other than Calendar and Logs stay with Legacy SB

It is a new feature in Scoutbook Plus.

Thanks for the info. I try to read the updates before I post something; I must have missed that one. I’m assuming the feature was added due to enough interest/requests for it. I wonder if it’s worth suggesting a “Are you sure you want to do this?” or similar notice/warning when a scout gets assigned to multiple patrols.

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