Automated Messages

I am getting automated messages when someone connects to Scoutbook, which is great. Question is how do i control who gets those. Another member of our committee is getting them (Past Chairman) and he no longer needs to get them?

Probably start by checking his connections to the scouts. I think they may go to anyone with a full control connection.

No its only the cubmaster. The current and ex chairman and the den leader for that boy. There are others with full connection that r not getting it

Is the former CC still a unit or den admin? Are they connected with full control?

Based on my unit, it looks like Key 3, any parents (if it’s a scout), and all unit/subunit admins.

ANy way to change that or is it system set?

The individuals who are notified when a connection is made are set by the system. Users are unable to change this as it is part of youth protection.

Check your roster to see if your former Cubmaster is still listed as a Pack Admin. If so, click on the position and add an end date. To break all connections, to this former Cubmaster, I recommend giving him a temporary position in the unit, anything except Pack or Den Admin will work, including removing the end date from his Cubmaster position. Next, go to Pack → Pack Roster → Connection Manager. Click on the former Cubmaster’s name then clear all the check boxes. This will remove the connection to all Scouts except the leader’s children.

Ok did that… Now he is a committee member so does that role give him an access? Should he need any access?

It depends on how your unit wants him to be able to use Scoutbook and what his role is as a committee member. Some committee members need to be able to do different things.

Ok thanks. One more question… Do you know is there any way to see what parents still have pending connections with out having to go into each scout profile and looking?

Yes, go to your unit roster page (Pack Roster / Troop Roster / etc.) and click on the settings icon (gear icon). Check the box next to “Show Parents / Guardians”.

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