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Hi! A parent granted a scout access to SB and there was some confusion in the screens with BSA IDs as that got set up. Now, the scout’s BSA Member ID is blank in SB and the scout is flagged with “(Scout’s name) has not been matched with a Scout in your Units official roster. Please check with your council.” All is well in my.scouting, so Council sent me here for assistance.
Scout’s BSA ID is 136779237, and SB ID is 11112495.
Parent’s BSA ID is 13563528, and Parent’s SB ID is 11238881.
I think I have their emails fixed.
I appreciate any assistance you can provide. Many thanks!
Ah ha - there were 2 “extra” emails in the scout’s my.scouting profile. I deleted the one belongs to the parent and fixed the typo in the other, and it looks like everything is now resolved. Thanks for finding that, everything is correct in Scoutbook again. All set!
@VictoriaCampbell It’s OK to have the “extra” e-mails at my.scouting. The only one that matters there is the one that is marked as “primary”. But I am glad you got rid of the one with the typo!