BSA Scout Recognition Report Bugs

There was an old discussion thread with the same problem that said it was fixed - but I am still having the same issues as those users.

When I run the Scout BSA Recognition Report, it shows items that were approved within the date range and have already been awarded, regardless if the following option is checked: “Include Awarded Within Date Range”.

My scouts are showing up with awards clearly outside of the report range - when I go back and check they have been awarded and should not be showing up. We are even having scouts as far back as 2006 that have obviously moved on showing up in the report 9and yes I promise they were all awarded and marked as such) - including some of our now adult members when they were scouts.

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Please post the ref number at the bottom of your report. This allows the developers to find your report and debug the issue.

@edavignon - here is one to look at:

ref: PD-20240219114826-566725-835810

The report includes our current scoutmaster and long since aged out and no longer registered scouts

ref: PD-20240219233057-301124-588230


Thanks, I have passed this on to the developers.

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