Bug List as I see them (Den Leader/Den Admin)

Creating an Event

  1. There is no option in the event window to enter a custom message in the reminder.

You can select event reminders and enter what you wish to say in your reminder. Then select when you wish the reminder to go out. . The maximum amount of reminders is three

  1. When creating an event (as a Den Leader) with a youth, it requires me to add an additional leader. Even if I add more adults (parents) than you, it will not allow me to create the event until I add a second registered adult.

  2. I created a test event (as a Den Leader/Den Admin) but it entered the event as a Pack event, which I believe should not be possible. Now I have a pack meeting stuck because I don’t have the rights to remove it.

  3. There is no option to add/link activity logs to an event

  4. Can not edit events: Can't edit events in IA Calendar


  1. The RSVP list does not show who RSVPed, just a total number and only if you change to the filter via this view.

  2. There is no option to enter an RSVP for someone else.


  1. There is no option to enter attendance for a past event.

BSA ID: 3348665
SB ID: 8193320

Actually, can SUAC get a clarification on how the reminders are “counted”?

Use case:
Unit sets up three reminders: Send Now, 14 days before, 7 days before. At the last minute (after the 7 day reminder has gone out), a change occurs and the unit wants to provide notification.

Can the content of the event message be updated and a new Send Now “reminder” be sent, or does this run up against the “3 reminders” limit? Phrased another way, do “Send Now” reminders count against the “3 reminder” limit.

I have asked for clarification on @CharleyHamilton’s scenario.

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This is because 2 registered leaders over the age of 21 are required to be present at every scouting event. If 2 leaders are not present, you can’t hold the event so the system won’t let you create an event where it thinks that may be possible.

This has been reported

The add link for activity logs is enabled after the event begins.

This is because 2 registered leaders over the age of 21 are required to be present at every scouting event. If 2 leaders are not present, you can’t hold the event so the system won’t let you create an event where it thinks that may be possible.

I understand 2 deep leadership but as a Den Leader (Lion Den at that), I am the only registered leader for the Den. Additionally, since I’m a Lion Den, parents have to be present for their youth. I have 11 youth and 10 adults besides myself (1 parent has brothers in the Den).

So based on this restriction, I’m going to have to add another Den Leader or the Cub Master to every event? What happens when they make their own Den event or the Cub Master starts getting added to every Den’s individual event?

According to YPT yes a second Registered Adult is to be at all your meetings - this is something to discuss further with your council

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This is correct. Even Lion and Tiger dens must have 2 registered leaders over the age of 21 present at every meeting, even if every Scout has a parent in attendence.

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I understand the sprit of the rule in the program but I can still add events without anyone added to create a calendar event.

If I have to add a Cub Master just so I can create the event (and realistically the Cub Master won’t be there because every Den will have to add the Cub Master to their event) it’s going to result in not using the calendar at all.

Just to note, this is currently not a restriction within Scoutbook.

Scoutbook is the exact same settings of having 2 leaders. If it is not for “Den Meeting” - that is a bug

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Then it’s a bug because I’ve made every event under the Den option for the entire year inviting all the youth in my Den and all the parents in my Den and everyone of them has worked.

And ideally one or more parents of Scouts in the den would be registered leaders. This provides backup if the den leader has to miss a meeting and eliminates the need to add the cubmaster to all meeting invites.

That would be partially true. If the Den Leader isn’t preset, the other registered adult would not work. So you’d have to have two additional parents registered with the Den Leader (3+ total registered).


Yes but that is true with any event. My point is, you should have parents that are registered leaders to provide the required leadership and backup.

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@TravisStephens Can you provide the details (date, time, name) of one of the events you cannot edit back should be able to?


Thursday Sept 28 at 1:20pm called: test
Friday Sept 29 at 3:25 pm called: test

Both show up as Pack events on Scout Book.

But they were created as den events, right?

I was unable to set them as Lion, they said Pack 232 Family.

I am only a Den Leader/Den Admin. I should not have the permissions to create a Pack event.

When you scroll down to the bottom and click add, you don’t get an option to select your den?

I did not at the time, but kind of do now. However, every click of the den (because you also can’t deselect) enters the Den.

All of this is irrelevant to being able to create a Pack event which is the bug reported.

Clicking the x beside the name on your screenshot removes them. I saw this behavior earlier, but forgot to report it.

So, if you remove the pack and just select your den, does everything behave as expected?