How could this happen? Next year’s leaders added to Scoutbook without a background check? Without being processed by council? Without being on My.Scouting roster?
I think there is a process error. Details -
Our Cubmaster and I worked on our recharter on Thursday night, Dec 05. It is supposed to be in draft form, as we have several details to confirm before it is final. For debugging purposes, I will post when I confirm its status.
We are registering three adult leaders via recharter, as their adult applications have not been processed by council yet. We spelled one of the first names wrong. All three new registered adults have Scoutbook accounts with their registered position assigned.
On Friday, Dec 13, one of these new leaders received an email from BSA National welcoming her as a volunteer. I was informed only because her name was spelled wrong.
I checked our My.Scouting roster for the three new leaders.
- She is there only as a Tiger adult, just as she has been since June. She does not have a registered leader position here. There is no account for the wrongly spelled name.
- The new Assistant Den Leader is not listed.
- The new Treasurer is not listed.
I checked our Scoutbook roster.
- Wow, a new account was created for her by AkelaSBDeltaSyncInsert
on Dec 07 as Tiger Den Leader, with a new BSAID#, but with the same email. I believe this did not sync with her original Scoutbook account because her name was spelled wrong. - The Assistant Den Leader has a new BSA ID#.
- The new Treasurer has a new position of Committee Member created by AkelaSBDeltaSyncInsert on Dec 07 and a new BSA ID#. I believe this is because the Scoutbook Treasurer position is not recognized as a Committee Member for sync’ing purposes.
I checked with our council registrar. She has not processed the applications for these scouters. She can see them on our online recharter forms. Recharter processing will not start until Jan.
The timing seems to link the process to our online recharter session. We worked on recharter on Dec 05. Dec 06 would allow for posting to somewhere in the member database, just not on our 2019 My.Scouting roster. Then Akela sync could post on Dec 07 to Scoutbook.
I think there is a bug that needs fixed.