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I posted a previous thread about a leader only showing up as a parent,
With our recharter complete, when I view the child I now see the parent and they have ‘Adult Leader’ next to their name. But when I go into the Troop Roster, they’re listed under adult leaders. If I try to add them, I do a search based on their name and BSA ID and it never finds them. I used just the name, and just the ID. No luck.
This person is our advancement coordinator. I need to get her setup ASAP.
You might look to see if you (or one of the Key 3/delegates) can assign the Unit Advancement Coordinator functional role to this new registered scouter in the Organization Manager. That should propagate into Scoutbook, but there have been some issues recently related to recharter that have impacted assignment of positions and permissions in Scoutbook.
I am having the same issue–our Tigers and Lions are in a combined den. She was listed as leader for both, but now is only listed for Lions. When I try to go in and add her, it says the user isn’t found…which she is clearly listed as the Lion leader. please help!