This post was closed prematurely. I was following up with Council, as requested, and they corrected everything involving registration, but the issue persists. Please do not irrevocably close issues to further updates if the reporter did not confirm it resolved.
Something else I noticed… cub scouts suddenly are “unassigned” (to “patrols” … but that should be “dens.”). Looks like our Cub Scout unit got dropped into a Scouts BSA mode and it’s not recognizing “patrol” identifiers because these scouts are actually assigned to “dens” …
I did try force full refresh of the page, as requested “before reporting bugs” …
@RyanWestafer this has been seen a few times - I will report it in for you
@RyanWestafer your registration in the pack is not current?? Could be cause your YPT expires in a couple months. SB+ relies Heavily on True Registrations and I am wondering if that is coming into play - but doubt council is live on weekends
Which thread?
I saw what looks like the same issue in another thread, too, and posted there. User’s screenshot showed a troop interface, but their issue was with a pack and cub scouts. They didn’t realize their interface was showing the troop view for a pack, I think.
Thanks, but YPT is current and should be unrelated. I am the cubmaster for the affected unit and current and trained in multiple units. It appears to be a database issue that my unit is somehow marked a troop in the database, although the name is still “pack.” It is being treated as a troop.
@RyanWestafer Your issue appears to be that you do not have any current registrations with the pack. They all show as Is_Current=No.
What Jennifer and Donovan are trying to say @RyanWestafer, is that, regardless of what is supposed to be showing, the database appears to be showing internally that your registration with the pack is not listed as current. That’s something you’ll need to resolve with your council registrar to get fixed. It’s not clear that this is the only issue, but it can’t be ruled out until corrected.
Regarding YPT, I agree it shouldn’t be an issue if not yet expired. However, be aware that the system now appears to be automatically dropping folks whose YPT lapses. So, it’s something that can immediately cause issues once lapsed.
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