Bug: Scoutbook Trained Leaders Report doesn't sync

Yes, in the forums if you click on a person’s name, then you should see a “Message” option.

No. we were at summer camp in another council and I took the Leader Specific Training while there.

Dan, got it, thanks. Ed’s last post explains how to merge training from your old council (if you moved) but that it’s your case. That was also why I was asking.

Actually, only Leaders (tl3) and above see the PM feature to initiate one. Regular old folks like me (tl2) can only participate if we’re pm’d first by someone at tl 3 or above.

That came up during a PM between myself and @donovanmcneil.

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Thanks. Spent a while searching for how to PM, but never did find it. Now I can quick looking/


You can give your training certificate to a Key 3 member of your unit, member of the District or Council training committees or council registrar and they can add your training to your record. Individuals are not able to update their own training records.

Hrm… You’re at tl3, though, @DavidBoles. I would have expected you to be able to PM folks the way that @JenniferOlinger described. Are you not able to PM either?

No, I can’t PM (or if I can, still haven’t figured it out). I read the requirements for Trust Level 3 and I doubt I’d be anywhere near that. Understanding Discourse Trust Levels That link came off the badges section of my profile.

Although the link says TL1s should be able to PM.

Swiftly wandering afield, I know, so maybe branching this thread is a good idea?

Yeah, @DavidBoles, I looked at the same reference, and those are the discourse defaults. The admins can modify those defaults (and I am informed that the BSA modified the PM functionality away for most folks). You show as being tl3 (Leader badge) when I click on your profile under Badges.

Maybe I misunderstood and only tl4 can send PMs on this implementation? SUAC, anybody know for sure?

Direct Messages are disabled except between moderators/admins and users when initiated by a moderator/admin. This is done because there are youth that have access to these forums and there is no way to prevent adults from messaging youth one-on-one if direct messages were enabled.

Thanks for the clarification, @edavignon.

I’m wondering if it’s not possible to designate youth as youth, however. I’ve seen quite a bit in the discourse meta-forums about restricting access by designating particular classes of individuals to be able to send and receive PMs. For example, all youth could (theoretically) be restricted to tl1, and outgoing PM could be disabled for tl1. Adults would start at tl1 like everybody else, but once they reach tl2, they could PM anyone at tl2 or above. This would prevent any PM to youth by anyone other than tl4, which as I understand your post is the situation at this time.

Is discourse not capable of classifying/identifying a group of users by anything other than trust level?

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Yes I agree that My.scouting.org is the depository location of the database of training. However, the query (Question) into the database and how it was displayed to the entry level user was helpful in Scoutbook, and now I am Committee Chair nothing in my.scouting.org is Helpful other than watching a video and getting credit for training. I think Loyal users of Scoutbook should have a Friendly, Courteous and Kind interface to Welcome new members to our Pack as this gives a Cheerful representation of Scouting. I know it is scary to to forge a new path but be Brave and Clean up the old code and create something that we all Scouters can be Reverent of for future generations which would be the most Thrifty as time is money with volunteers which should be the focus instead of those living in the Death Star.

Yours in Scouting always Obedient,


Would you contact Scouts national and volunteer/talk to them? I find that they don’t understand the end-user and make poor decisions because of that—they need the help. Please.

Direct links from scoutbook to the my.scouting.org training reports will be available in the next week or so. That should make things easier

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I know how to get to my.scouting.org that is not the issue. The issue is my.scounting.org is not helpful other than getting credit for watching a video even when I have extra features because I am a Committee Chairman.

I have never had an issue getting training reports from my.scouting. I can see this as unfamiliarity with site navigation or flat out refusal to even attempt it. I can easily see site navigation as that is not the best format. It may be better to bookmark those critical URLs and work that way.

Stephen, the training reports are fine as long as the registered positions of the adults are correct. Whenever there is a lag in matching the registration to actual, then the reports are wrong.

Yes, I understand that registrations can be keep current. Each unit must submit some sort of paperwork every time a leader starts, changes position, or resigns. In our area, many units use recharter for everything except new leaders. Then the roster is correct only once a year, if there were no changes in the 30-45 days between submitting the charter and it’s processing. [This is an improvement, down from 90 days.]

Some registrations can’t be correct, because of an adult doing more than one position, like Religious Emblems Coordinator and Assistant Den Leader. My.Scouting only allows one position per unit. Training for not-registered positions has to be checked manually.

Suggestions for the improvement of the training reports in my.scouting.org may be sent to: myscouting@scouting.org

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