Bug Status Query: Can’t Assign Den Leader - Search Not Finding Adult Leader

I’m reposting the “Can’t Assign Den Leader - Search Not Finding Adult Leader” query, as there is a note in Scoutbook indicating that this is a known bug, but the last posting here was more than 2 weeks ago. This isn’t a particularly small bug, as it prevents any new leader assignments. We have a Den Leader who needs to be a Den Admin across the Tigers, for example, along with 6 new leaders who need to be assigned. And a new Committee Chair.

What’s the status of this bug? Or, where can I find the SB bug list?

The developers are aware of the issue and are looking into it. The BSA does not publish a bug list.

Leaders will appear in Scoutbook about 24 hours after they are registered and appear on your roster in my.scouting.org. Once they are on your roster, you can go to the Positions page and add additional roles such as den admin and make them leaders of specific dens. Just click the +Add button on their Positions page. This process bypasses the search.

Aha! The leader in question was already a den leader, so he was in Scoutbook. Through Scoutbook (my mistake, not the official roster in my.scouting.org), I found it at the bottom under “Positions and Roles” . Got it. Thank you!

Do the admin’s have any updates on this issue as it’s been quite a while and at a tone we are trying to align new leaders. If it’s not going to be finalized are you going to make a back door option for us to sign leaders to attend as we are very dependent on the functionality to support advancements and communications by den leaders.


The issue preventing assigning adult leaders was fixed earlier this week. If you are having trouble adding leaders in Scoutbook, post their BSA member IDs (no names) and we will investigate.

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I have a leader I can’t add to a lions den and a parent to add who is supporting the leader with admin of calendar and advancements.

Leader is
BSA ID 136675591

Parent admin
BSA ID137483528

I did have one success for leaders but adding admin help remains an issue generally.



The BSA restricted everything above View Advancement and View Profile access (e.g. Unit Admin) to registered leaders only some months ago, except for parent/guardian access to their own scouts. In order to assist with this, the parent will need to be registered with the BSA.

Neither of those individuals are registered leaders under those numbers. Adult partner does not count as a registered leaders as there is no YPT or CBC requirement or COR approval.


Based on what @jacobfetzer found, either the adults in question have another BSA ID out there under which they are registered (this should show up on your official roster at my.scouting.org), or they need to submit adult applications to the council, together with the relevant CBC and YPT paperwork.

Once their paperwork is processed, they will appear on your official roster, and that subsequently synchronizes into Scoutbook. Then you can assign them to the relevant den/unit leadership roles in Scoutbook.

Well Leader Leader BSA ID 136675591 completed YPT on 11/8 and certificate reads this BSA ID. Checking with local council rep too as I have them certificate as well.

On other question so to have an admin in ScoutBook to help a leader they must be registered as an adult leader with app? I can understand YPT fine but for other admin type support? Didn’t seem to be the case last year and won’t that create an unnecessary cost to my Pack by National?

Yes, that is a fairly new requirement. Being listed as a unit leader confers a certain level of trust that you have completed YPT, have had a background check, and have been approved by your COR. This ensures that that trust is legitimate.

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@JasonKozlowski - no adult can be listed as a leader unless they have submitted an adult application approved by the Charter Partner and processed by local council. This also includes the criminal background check. No app… no leader… it’s that simple.

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Do they appear on your current adult roster at my.scouting.org? It may just be that they are too “new” and the application hasn’t finished processing by council yet (or that council assigned a different BSA ID which created a separate Scoutbook account). Both of those cases have caused me heartburn in the past trying to get scouters properly listed with the unit I serve.

The leaders are adult application and YPT. Leaders asked for admin help so was trying to add them as there was an “Admin” role previously. Though YPT is simple request but having a parent add support and need to go thru background check and pay additional dues seems a bit over the top. But my answer is here and other free tools may be out better option for coordinating over ScoutBook.

@JasonKozlowski - so going against BSA official policy is your best option… I would caution against that.

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@Stephen_Hornak - I’m talking about calendars for events. Sorry didn’t realize that was policy. Understood.

@JasonKozlowski - I could not really tell, what you were talking about as it was not very clear. I was noting that there would be no leader in scoutbook unless they are properly vetted and registered.

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