Cancel Scoutbook Account

I keep getting emails from Scoutbook and I no longer have a charter with the BSA. I cannot unsubscribe to these emails and there is no way to get ahold of anyone to remove my account. I do not know any of the charter number, only the Council I belonged to. It was the Grand Canyon Council in Gilbert, AZ. I tried logging in to see if I can change the preferences but the Council is gone and I cant reset my password either, I get the same error.

How can I remove my account and the email notifications?

With regard to Scoutbook emails (i.e. emails sent from Scoutbook itself, rather than notices from the forums or from the council), there should be an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails that looks something like this:

It’s the very last line in all of the emails I receive through Scoutbook.

What was your role when you were associated with the BSA? Were you a unit leader, a merit badge counselor, a parent without a leadership role, a scout? What unit were you affiliated with if you were a unit-level volunteer/parent/scout? That might help SUAC with tracking down what’s going on.

Regarding your former council, GCC is still out there: I’m not sure what you mean about them being gone.

When you try to log in, is it to,, or somewhere else?

Thanks for replying Charley.
There is no unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.
Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 4.05.52 PM.png

I was a unit leader/scout master with Troop 823.
I mis spoke about Grand Canyon Council being gone. I just meant that the charter I was with is no longer affiliated with BSA.
I am logging into

Aaron Bloom

(480) 599-2927

Think before you ink.

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@AaronBloom Are you able to log in to Scoutbook using your my.scouting username and password?

You appear to have a leadership position in Scoutbook, plus connections to Scouts.

Ah, OK. Those are council-sent messages. I’ve never seen one before, since our council doesn’t use Scoutbook to communicate with leaders. I would have assumed that they would similarly have an unsubscribe option. For that, it might be worth trying to contact the council to see whether or not they think you’re still registered.

@JenniferOlinger confirmed what I suspected was the case: Scoutbook still has you associated with a unit, potentially because the unit was never “archived” after it wasn’t rechartered.

No, even after a password reset

Aaron Bloom

(480) 599-2927

Do you really need to print this email?

IMPORTANT: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential. They are intended for the named recipient(s) only. If you have received this email by mistake, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to anyone or make copies thereof.

| Jennifer Olinger JenniferOlinger Scoutbook User Advisory Council
February 8 |

  • | - |

@AaronBloom Are you able to log in to Scoutbook using your my.scouting username and password?

You appear to have a leadership position in Scoutbook, plus connections to Scouts.

The position in SB has been removed. Aaron should be good now.


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