Cannot access P/O or Advancement Report

For the past week when I click on Needs Purchasing it just takes me back to my Dashboard

I noticed on my phone and pc that it works best in Chrome.

@StacyPrice what browser/OS are you using?

Stacy, what are your roles / positions in your unit? Advancement Chair? Troop Admin? Something else?

The browser I’m using is Chrome and I’ve tried it on my computer as well as my Android phone.

I am the Advancement Chair and I’m using Chrome

When you go to: My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions, does “Unit Advancement Chair” show as approved (green shield with check mark)?

Alternatively, you might have an issue with your connections / permissions to the Scouts. You need to be connected to all Scouts in the unit with Edit Advancement or Full Control.

It does not have a green shield, but I have been able to print this report for months and I am connected to all our Scouts with full control. The problem started with the recent Scoutbook update.

Somehow your Unit Advancement Chair position / role got unapproved. You need a Troop Admin to re-approve it.

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