Cannot add Adult to Scoutbook

It’s that simple…I have a new adult to add to Scoutbook, and I can’t. Every time I get “Whoops! We encountered and error trying to process your request!”

Same in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Every time.

Wait until the council office processes the application and they will then be added automatically. Do not do it before then as it will create duplicate profiles and 2 BSA id numbers.

Are you referring to an adult leader or a parent? How are you trying to add them? There are a couple different ways.

Are you referring to an adult leader or a parent?

Adult leader that is a parent. Adding through “Add Adult Leader” button in roster.

Wait until the council office processes the application and they will then be added automatically. Do not do it before then as it will create duplicate profiles and 2 BSA id numbers.

But why should it matter what council does? Shouldn’t they look for duplicate entries when they add someone, just like I have to? Why would they be adding differently than I am? It’s a matter of time as to why I wasn’t waiting for Council…this is a new add late in the Scout year, and I want the Scout’s family to get emails about their activities just like everyone else. I also dont know if Council will add someone without already having the $$, and that takes snail mail.

cause they do not always look for dupes and the system does not alert them

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cause they do not always look for dupes and the system does not alert them

Seems like it’s not hard to integrate that feature, as the search bar is already there. Couldn’t the add leader form integrate running first and last names through that database and ask if theyre the same?

But also, my question isn’t if I should add them myself – it’s the point that I can’t add anyone. And I used to be able to.

go to unit > Roster > find your name and click it > go to Admin position and open it > click save and see if that solves it

Tried it, but it didn’t fix it. So this is a “me” thing and not a system thing?

are you searching for the person? just typing it in? When does the error pop up?

Yes, definitely need to understand at what point you get the error.

The best way to ensure you won’t end up with a duplicate is make sure everything matches exactly between the Scoutbook account and the application… first, middle, last name, DOB, address. Also, make sure the council in the adult’s profile is set to yours.

I search, and then get no matches so I move on to adding all the new leader’s info exactly as he wrote it on the app. I get all the way through it to the point where I type my message that gets added to the Scoutbook invite, then then I submit it. It thinks for a second, then throws the error I listed above.
I am trying to add someone not previously in Scoutbook in any way.

Did you search by name or email address? It’s possible they are on scoutbook in some way as a result of the sync from the membership database.

I did, and they are not there. Unfortunately there is one add thing to add…he and his son have the same name (different middle). So I added his son no problem, but the adult causes the issue.

And for clarification, when I say “add”, I mean de novo…they’re not in the system with any other pack or troop. These are new scout/scouters that have never been in Scoutbook.

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