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I have a leader who was the Lion Leader but is now the Tiger Den Leader. It shows his position as a Tiger Cub Adult on Scoutbook and Lion Leader. When I search his ID number, it says it can’t find him. His ID is 13712242. Council says they show him registered as the Tiger Den Leader and he should have shown up on my rechartering, but he’s not.
Also, his son, 137111341 is showing up twice. One is assigned to the correct den, the other (same ID number) shows up as needing to be assigned to a den.
On the scout, look for extra memberships in Scoutbook under the Scoutnames’s Memberships tab. There’s probably one in the pack and one in the den. If so, put an end date on the pack one.
On the adult, what BSA ID shows up in your official roster at my.scouting.org?
The Member ID you provided is a Tiger Cub Adult Partner. This is not a registered leader position. He will need to complete an adult application and sign a criminal background check authorization. YPT is valid through November 2022.