Why is it not letting me add adults who are on Scoutbook as adult leaders to a den? It is saying they cannot find the adult. Ive tried entering their email, full name, etc. If they have an account with scout book shouldn’t I be able to add them as a den leader? Please help just recruited 5 new volunteers and want to get them running in SB!
@KellyLivingston are they registered with adult leader application? what is the BSA #?
If they are registered adult leaders with your unit, then they should populate your Scoutbook leader roster automatically within about 24 hours after they are approved.
Once they are on your Scoutbook leader roster, you can click on their names and assign them to their dens.
so I have to pay for all of them now??? we def didn’t use to have to do this. how annoying - all about the money now I guess
Anyone listed on the roster as a leader must be registered as a leader with the BSA. If you are trying to add a den leader, for example, they must first be registered. This has always been the policy of the BSA, however, in he past Scoutbook would allow un-registered people to be listed, this was a YPT issue and was corrected.
All den leaders must have Youth Protection Training and a Criminal Background Check (CBC). Completing registration is what causes the CBC to be done.
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