Cannot approve items in scoutbook for newly assigned scout

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His name shows a yellow yield sign next to his name on the scoutbook roster.

Further, we can “complete” his items in scoutbook but we cannot “approve” them

Can someone help?

ps: Also his last name appears misspelled in scouting org as (removed by Moderator).

@MichaelDockery1 it simply sounds like the scout is not officially registered in your unit - Key 3 can check official roster at

(removed by admin)

as you can see he is on the roster

however it does say needs to register

what does that mean?

@MichaelDockery1 please do not post Scout names

That is not the official roster - the official roster is at - the scout has to register with your unit - like every other Scout and Adult


I believe he did register. Could there have been a glitch when he did?

Note: we can see him in scoutbook and i/a and we can mark items as complete.

ps I have asked our key 3 to check

Your original post was edited to indicate that the scout’s name might be misspelled at my.scouting. Did I understand that correctly? That mismatch would also cause the symptoms you’re describing.



I found another Scoutbook account for this Scout. You will notice there is no BSA Member ID on your Scout’s record in Scoutbook. The account I found for him has a BSA Member ID (same DOB and city). He is NOT registered with your Troop. His last registration with with a pack and it expired 12/31/23.

We can merge his SB accounts, however, the merge only handles final completions, not individual requirements. If you create a Scouts BSA History Report for him you can re-enter his requirements after we merge the accounts.


ok thank you for the reply. I have verified he is NOT on our my scouting . org roster. Therefore, I have just spoken to the parents and asked they they register on my scouting .org with our unit. Also if you have a good link with instructions for that, I will send that to them also

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  1. Ask the mom to log in to her my.Scouting account (she already has the correct parent / child relationship).
  2. While she is signed in to her my.Scouting account, ask her to use the QR code or invitation link / url for her Scout to join your troop. (Someone with access to the Invitation Manager at my.Scouting can get the invitation QR code or the invitation link.
  3. She should click on the Start button underneath “Youth”.
  4. When it asks: “Is the youth a current/former Scout?”, she should say “Yes”, and then it should allow her to search based on the Scout’s name and DOB.
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