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My Life Scout had 2 profiles due to moving from one state to another where our first troop used Scoutbook, but our second troop did not. When they did start using Scoutbook, they or the Council made another profile for him, so I had 2 accounts for my son that showed up in my Dashboard.
We recently moved to another state (and a third troop) and I thought it would be good if his accounts were merged to prevent confusion. I emailed Scoutbook and got an email back saying it was done.
When I logged in, both accounts were still there, but his most up-to-date account was wiped clean. The older account was untouched and still only had him at First Class with very few merit badges (basically where he was at 3 years ago when we moved). The Scoutbook rep basically told me that I should just input all the dates into the account and that she did what was asked and left it at that.
I am FURIOUS. It is hard enough to move multiple times as a Scout and make sure that records are updated; especially during this pandemic.
Will this affect his records at the national level? Is it going to look fishy if I input all the dates from the records I downloaded before asking them to duplicate (I did think to do that and am glad I did). Is that even an option since I"m not a leader in the Troop?
He is at the point where all he needs is to get his Eagle Project done, do Scoutmaster Conf and BOR.
If you are in a third troop MU should have moved all his advancements to his NEW SB account for the new troop. The Advancements follow the BSA # and they always go to the newest BSA #. Are you parent for him in the new troop for Scoutbook? If not you could use the Scouting App to make yourself parent.
@KerumSteele so you have like a BSA History report you made a pdf of or something? I am poking on your ticket to try to get it resolved - all the data is still in system somewhere.
The important thing is to enter under correct current BSA #
His new troop doesn’t use Scoutbook according to the Scoutmaster. (Don’t ask me why, as I have LOVED Scoutbook from the get go because it is easy to use and I love the visual parents see when they log in).
The Incident number is SSD-107485.
I am sorry if I sound frustrated, but this move has been stressful with all the pandemic stuff going on, school registration/virtual schooling, and limited access to finding friends for my kids. This situation just added to it.
That makes me feel better that the data is still there somewhere. I made a report of the more up-to-date profile (I couldn’t make a report of the older profile; there’s not an option for it anymore).
If you need BSA #s for each of the profiles, let me know. I have both of them. I wish those numbers would follow our Scouts from state to state. It is probably the most frustrating thing being military is the moving requiring things like this.