Cannot correct Internet Advacement camping and service logs

I entered some service hours and a camping activity in IA. Because the service hours were completed over several days, one scout was recorded twice.

On the campout, a scout who did not go on the campout was incorretly added.

I know how to edit activities, but since I am committee chair, everything I input is automatically approved and cannot edit. How do I fix this? I understand why things are automatically approved, but I should still be able to edit and correct information (especially information that I entered)

Screenshot 2020-05-24 08.45.20

To delete an event from a Scout you have to click on Roster > then this history tab at top > then you can search for the scout and find the event > Click the Pen Icon . then click the 3 dots shown below to the right

I wish this worked, your screenshots look nothing like mine. I am taken to Internet Advancement. I can go through the edit process and get the message it is updated, but when I check again, nothing changes

I figured it out. Thank you, your information was helpful

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