Cannot edit profile in Roster tool in My.Scouting

There are 2 scouts on our troop roster that when we try to edit their profile in the Roster tool in my.scouting, we just get a blank screen. Also, the same two scouts, we cannot add their training in the Training Manager in my.scouting.

Member ID:

The council in their records in my.scouting doesn’t look correct for your troop. Work with your Registrar and see if they can change it, or to put in a ticket. They show council 662 not 571

I am in 662 I will take a look at this too

Yes, our district bleeds into the next county, which is considered to be in the neighboring council by BSA’s computer systems. It is a headache for anyone that joins online in that area, but there are probably at least a dozen scouts that have the same issue with being assigned the wrong council. These are the only 2 that I am seeing an issue with in the roster tool.

But they have YEARS of 571 registrations - is this new?

Not sure what you mean. These 2 scouts have years of 571 membership and now are 662?

@RobertBrodner exactly that is why it is a head scratcher - we have reported it

This is reported in ticket HD-453054
Check with your registrar though and see if they can change the council number assigned to the member.

571 does not see the scout

These should be fixed by Friday morning.
